I like the fact that you intend to keep on doing some of those not-to-dos. I will be exactly the same. My not-to-do is that I write for myself first, and if others like what I do, then that's good. If not, then I simply put it down to different tastes. I don't think I could ever 'write to market' in that sense. If this means I shall never be successful (at least not within my own lifetime) then so be it - because at the very least I will know that I always wrote what I wanted to write, and never what others wanted me to write.

So my not-to-do only applies to those who want to be commercially viable, I guess. For me, it's not even a 'to do', it is a 'must do'.

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Ah yes, when I approached authors to write about their experiences, it was them who offered to frame it as a ‘what not to do’! I wonder if that speaks to our insecurity as writers…

I do think it’s important to write for ourselves first, especially if thinking about our readership forms a bit of a block… Though if we are writing with the intention of publishing in some form, an awareness of what readers value is helpful. But if writing for yourself is what brings you joy, then I say keep doing it! 🥰 that’s what’s great about Substack in my mind: it gives us a platform, a reason, to write for ourselves and, like you say, attract other readers as a secondary aspect if that’s what we want to do.

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