
Join me on my DPhil Archaeology Induction

A week in Oxford

Welcome history lovers!

I hope you’re all having a wonderful time as autumn creeps in (in the northern hemisphere at least).

During the month of October, I am preparing to write and publish my new serial novel, which will be available on Substack exclusively from 14th November. Details below…

During this time, instead of fiction instalments, I’m sharing additional ‘content’ (eurgh! that word!) that wouldn’t usually make it to the stack. A sort of BTS, more chatty vibe. The usual service of two fiction instalments per month will return in November.

I thought it would be fun to take you with me on my DPhil induction, earlier this month. Many of you know that I am beginning a DPhil in Archaeology, researching early medieval women. I am so, so excited!

This was the first video of this sort I’ve done - and I must say, hats off to the content creators (eurgh! again!) on YouTube for making it look so effortless. I was so embarrassed to get my phone out and film myself walking and talking, though I know that would have improved the video. I will try to be more confident next time!

For now, I hope you enjoy this glimpse into my life off Substack! Do let me know if this is something you’d be interested in seeing more of.

All the best as always,


Bertha’s Tale

Dive into all instalments of my previous serialised novel, Bertha’s Tale, linked below.

Bertha's Tale Archive

Coming soon, exclusively to Substack

Launching November 14th 2024

Welcome to Telling Their Tales!

If you’re new here, I’m Holly and I’m passionate about sharing medieval history that’s about more than just kings and battles. I also am a big supporter of everything to do with serialised fiction and historical fiction, on and off Substack, with a series of ‘How-Tos’ and testimonies on these genres coming to Telling Their Tales super soon!

Connection and relatability are two of my key words here on Substack, and I can’t wait to uncover these hidden stories with you. I’m currently a PhD student (Medieval Archaeology), and I’m delighted to be here to serve and support you.

Paid membership starts from just over £4 per month, and includes access to our cosy history book club, exclusive instalments of my serialised novels, an ebook of short historical fiction stories, and the ability to pose your own questions in chat to our worldwide readership.

Ready to uncover the hidden tale of a favourite medieval person, place, or event? Join our Scriptorium membership to unlock your own research article or short story, created in collaboration with your very own ideas.

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